
  • 1.      Rest your muscle to allow your injury to heal.

    2.      Put an ice pack on the injured area.

    3.      Wrap an elastic bandage around the area to decrease swelling. It should be tight enough for you to feel support. Do not wrap it too tightly.

    4.      Keep the injured muscle raised above your heart if possible.

    5.      Take all medications as directed. NSAIDs will decrease inflammation and pain. Muscle relaxers will help relax the muscle thus allowing you to move more easily.

    6.      When tolerable stretch the injured muscle. Stretch the muscle for about 30 seconds. Do this four times a day. You may stretch the muscle until you feel a slight pulling, but no pain. Stop stretching the muscle if you feel pain.

    an injury. If the medicine makes your pain go away, you may start using the muscle

    How can a muscle strain be prevented?

    1. Always use proper footwear when playing sports.

    2. Do warm up and cool down exercises.

    3. Drink plenty of liquids during and after exercise.

    4. Eat high carbohydrate foods.

    5. Keep your muscles strong by doing strength training exercises.

    6. Slowly start your exercise or sports training program as directed by your caregiver.


    Seek Care Immediately If:

    1.      The area of your injured muscle becomes very swollen and feels tight inside.

    2.      Your pain and swelling worsen or do not go away.

    3.      You suddenly cannot feel or move your injured muscle.


    Follow-up as directed. You may need a MRI should your symptoms do not improve.
  •  If you've ever gotten a splinter or had sand in your eye, you've had experience with a foreign body. A foreign body is something that is stuck inside you but isn't supposed to be there. You may inhale or swallow a foreign body, or you may get one from an injury to almost any part of your body. Foreign bodies are more common in small children, who sometimes stick things in their mouths, ears, eyes and noses.

    Some foreign bodies, like a small splinter, do not cause serious harm. Inhaled or swallowed foreign bodies may cause choking or bowel obstruction and may require medical care.



    1. Take any medications prescribed/recommended as directed.  



     1. Your child has a fever.

     2. You child has a headache or pain in the cheeks or around the eyes.

    3. Your child is bleeding or fluid continues to drain from his nose.

    4. You have questions or concerns about your child's condition, treatment, or care.



    1.                          Your child is coughing, wheezing, has noisy or troubled breathing, or cannot breathe.

    2.                          Your child is vomiting, gagging, choking, drooling, has neck or throat pain, or cannot swallow.


    Follow-up with your primary care provider and or our facility as directed.


    1. Limit your activities until your symptoms improve. Gradually resume your normal activities when you can do them without pain.

    2. Avoid activities that cause neck pain/strain, such as heavy exercise and lifting or standing and sitting in a slumped position.

    3. Ice may help lessen neck pain by causing blood vessels to constrict (get small). Put crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover it with a towel. Put this on your neck for 15 to 20 minutes every hour as long as you need it.

    4. Always take your medicine as directed by caregivers.

    5. You may use ibuprofen and or acetaminophen for your pain (provided you are not allergic to either).

    6. If you are taking medicine that makes you drowsy, do not drive or use heavy equipment.



    Seek Care Immediately If:


    1. Your neck pain is getting worse.

    2. You have pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness of your arms, face, or scalp.

    3. You have shortness of breath, a hoarse voice, or problems swallowing.

    4. You cannot move your neck.

    5. You develop a severe headache.
