Do not take aspirin, vitamin E, ibuprofen, or any pain or anti-inflammatory medications for one week prior to surgery. Most pain medications can increase bleeding so it is important that you let your doctor know if you have taken any of these medications. You may take Tylenol. If you are on coumadin or any other blood thinner, you must see your internist to make sure you are off this medication before surgery. You will need medical clearance from your internist if you are over 65 or if you have any medical problems. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to surgery unless instructed otherwise. Please check with your insurance company for surgery approval or second opinion. Any co-payment or deductible is your responsibility. If you have any questions as to whether the hospital, anesthesiologist or pathologist participate with your insurance plan please call them to check. You may find their telephone numbers if you call the Hospital. If they do not participate, you may be responsible for the bill from these other healthcare providers. Call the hospital after 3:00 PM the day before surgery to find out the time you will need to be in the hospital. Ask for same day surgery.
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