Below are a list of common complaints during pregnancy and a list of approvedmedications by our office. If you do notsee amedication listed here, itisNOT approved by our physician. Ifthere are any questions please call our office for further assistance. Please follow the directions on the package and do not exceed recommended dose. Cold, Hayfever, & Congestion Actifed Heartburn/Indigestion Tylenol Cold & Sinus Triaminic Chlor-Trimeton Claritin Zyrtec Sudafed Robitussin DM
Non-drug remedies o Salt water nasal drops o Vaporizer or humidifier to keep air moistened o Sleep on extra pillows to keep head elevated o Lower temperature settings Constipation Metamucil Fibercon Colace—100mg twice a day Citracil Milk of Magnesia Non Drug remedies o Fruits and Vegetables o Unrefined bran 1-2 teaspoons daily Nausea and Vomiting
Vitamin B6, Ginger, Ginger Tea *** Come in to see Doctor if ....***
Eat small frequent meals Can't keep liquid down for more than one day or
Crackers and clear soda Weak and dizzy (dehydrated) Emetrol Diarrhea Imodium AD Kaopectate BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea or toast) Avoid milk products Call Doctor: Fever, Weak & Dizzy, Not improved 2/3 days
Yeast Infection 3-day product like Monistat 3 Heartburn, Indigestion, Gas Mylanta Maalox Tums Riopan Pepcid AC Pepcid Complete Zantac Mylicon Gas-Ex Hemorrhoids Tucks Anusol HC Ice packs Headaches, Muscle Aches, and Fever Plain Tylenol o Up to two tablets every 4-6 hours Extra-Strength Tylenol o Up to two tablets every 6 hours Sore Throat Warm Salt Water Goggles Choraseptic Spray Throat lozenges Cough Drops Insomnia Benadryl 25 mg Tylenol PM Leg Cramps Oscal 500 or similar over counter calcium 2x/day
*See Doctor if one leg hurting all the time Dental Dental exams ok; X-rays (with abdominal shield); Novocaine, some antibiotics and pain pills HAVE DENTIST CALL TO DISCUSS MEDICATIONS Avoid Aspirin Products Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin) Naproxen (e.g. Aleve, Anaprox) ANYTHING NOT ON THIS LIST WITHOUT PHYSICIAN APPROVAL
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