What is cancer of the cervix?
A woman’s cervix (the opening of the uterus at the top of the vagina) is covered by a thin layer of tissue made up of cells. Healthy cells grow, divide, and are replaced as needed. Cancer of the cervix occurs when these cells change. Cancer cells divide more rapidly. They may grow into deeper cell layers or spread to other organs. The cancer cells eventually form a mass of tissue called a tumor.
How long does it take for cervical cancer to develop?
It often takes several years for cervical cancer to develop. During this time, the cells on or around the cervix become abnormal. The cell changes that occur before cancer is present are called dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).
What is the main cause of cervical cancer?
The main cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) . There are many types of HPV. Some types of HPV, called "high-risk types," can cause cancer of the anus, cervix, vulva, vagina, and penis. They also can cause cancer of the head and neck. Other types have been linked to genital warts.
Who is at risk of cervical cancer?
The most important risk factor for cervical cancer is infection with the types of HPV linked to cancer. The following factors increase your risk of becoming infected with HPV:
Other risk factors include the following:
Is there a screening test for cervical cancer?
Yes. The Pap test checks for abnormal cell changes of the cervix. This allows early treatment of the abnormal cells so that they do not become cancer. An HPV test also is available. It is used along with the Pap test to screen for cervical cancer in some women and as a follow-up test when a woman has an abnormal Pap test result.
What are some of the symptoms of cervical cancer?
The first signs may be abnormal bleeding, spotting, or watery discharge from the vagina. Menstrual bleeding may be heavier than usual, and bleeding may occur after sex. Signs of advanced cancer can include pelvic pain, problems urinating, and swollen legs. If the cancer has spread to nearby organs or the lymph nodes, the tumors can affect how those organs work. For instance, a tumor might press on your bladder or block blood flow in a vein.
How is cervical cancer diagnosed?
If your health care provider suspects that you have cancer of the cervix, a biopsy may be done. For certain abnormal Pap test results that require treatment, the abnormal cervical tissue may be removed and sent to a lab to be studied.
If cervical cancer is diagnosed, your health care provider will assess the size of the cancer and the extent (if any) to which the disease has spread. This process may include the following tests:
What is staging?
"Staging" is the process of finding out how much the cancer has spread. Most types of cancer have stages from I to IV. The lower the number, the less the cancer has spread.
Some types of cancer, including cervical cancer, have a Stage 0. Stage 0 also is called noninvasive cervical cancer or carcinoma in situ. In Stage 0, cancer cells are present on the top layer of the cervix only. They have not gone into deeper layers of the cervical tissue or other organs. The remaining stages are called invasive cancer. In these stages, the cancer has invaded into deeper layers of the cervix.
What are the types of treatment?
Invasive cancer of the cervix is treated with surgery (hysterectomy), radiation therapy, and chemotherapy (the use of cancer-killing drugs). The type of treatment chosen depends on the cancer stage. You may receive more than one type of treatment.
Is special follow-up required after treatment?
Your health care provider may suggest more frequent cervical cancer screening for the first few years after treatment to make sure that all the cancer cells were removed. Even if your cervix has been removed to treat your cancer, you still need cervical cancer screening. Cells are taken from the upper vagina instead of the cervix.
Reference: The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Cervical-Cancer
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