What is a vaginal yeast infection? — A vaginal yeast infection is an infection that causes itching and irritation of the vulva, the outer lips of the vagina. This type of infection is caused by a fungus called “candida.” (Yeast are a type of fungus.)
What are the symptoms of a yeast infection? — Symptoms include:
Some women with a yeast infection also leak a small amount of fluid from the vagina. This fluid is usually white and clumpy (like cottage cheese). But it can also be thin and watery.
How do I know if my symptoms are caused by a yeast infection? — Most women cannot tell whether they have a yeast infection or something else. The symptoms of a yeast infection are a lot like the symptoms of many other conditions, so it is hard to tell.
The best way find out if you have a yeast infection is to see your doctor or nurse. He or she can run a swab (Q-tip) inside your vagina. Then, he or she can look at the cells from the swab under a microscope and look for the fungus that causes yeast infections. Depending on your situation, your doctor or nurse might do other tests, too. For example, he or she might do a “culture.” This is a test to find out if yeast is present and if so, which type of yeast you have.
How did I get a yeast infection? — The fungus that causes yeast infections normally lives in the vagina and the gut. Even though the yeast are there in small numbers, they do not usually cause symptoms. Certain medicines (especially antibiotics), stress, and other factors can cause the fungus to grow more than it should. When that happens, a yeast infection can start.
How are yeast infections treated? — Yeast infections can be treated with a pill that you swallow or with medicines that you put in the vagina and on the vulva. The medicines that you put in the vagina come in creams and tablets. All medicines for yeast infections work by killing the fungus that causes the infections.
When will I feel better? — You will probably feel better within a few days of starting treatment. If you do not get better after you finish treatment, you should see your doctor or nurse again. You may need to take more medicine or a different medicine.
What if I get yeast infections often? — Be sure to see or doctor or nurse about it. That way you can find out for sure whether your symptoms are caused by a yeast infection and, if so, which type of yeast. There are a few different types of yeast, and they respond to different treatments. Plus, the same symptoms that you get with a yeast infection can sometimes be caused by other types of infections, an allergy, or other problems. If you get frequent infections, you might need a different treatment than you have tried in the past.
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