Locally owned and operated year round!

As a caregiver, it is my goal to do more than just prescribe medicine. I believe in providing you with kindness, compassion & caring services. I want our tourist guests to have the very best vacation they can! When unexpected illness or accidents occur, I will help get you back to your life, your family, and your vacation plans!

About Our Office

MSMC supports the community of Red River and the surrounding areas by providing our patients, both local and tourist, with accessible, affordable, quality healthcare; offering prompt attention and expert care, delivering unsurpassed customer service in a welcoming environment.

MSMC is a stand-alone clinic, owned and operated by Family Nurse Practitioner, Jessica Cross. Because of its status, it does not carry the expensive costs of an emergency room. A visit for stiches, for example, will generally be less costly to the patient than the same visit to the emergency room.

Our facility assists patients with many conditions from primary care, managing your children’s wellness, to sickness visits or intolerance of the altitude. Patients can utilize our affordable services when they are visiting our community and not within reach of their hometown care facilities, unable to get a timely appointment with their regular practitioner, or when a non-life threating illness or injury occurs and they don’t want to pay the expensive fees of an ER visit.

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, Jessica is trained to manage your healthcare across the lifespan, from new born to elder care. And with + 10 years in the medical field, you are in good hands that care about your healthcare needs.

*Appointments are recommended*
However, we are generally able to see most acute healthcare needs the same day.
Lacerations MUST be seen for sutures within 8 hours of the accident.

Wellness and Sick Visits

Adult and Pediatric Healthcare

Women’s Health

Altitude Sickness

Minor Injury

Lacerations Repair

Medications Onsite


Oxygen Therapy

Lab Services

 We also accept MOST MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCES including Medicare & New Mexico Medicaid

Symptoms of altitude intolerance can range from mild shortness of breath and headache to drowsiness, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, “racing” pulse, “pounding” heartbeat, anxiety, or severe shortness of breath. Altitude sickness can affect all ages. Symptoms can vary across the spectrum of mild to very severe, even deadly.

Try to rest your first day at altitude. It is best to ascend slowly. Sleeping over night at a slightly lower altitude (4,000 – 5,000 feet) can be helpful in the acclamation process. True, complete acclamation takes 90 days.

Drink plenty of water! Start before you leave on vacation. Attempt to consume ½ your body weight in fluid oz every 24 hours for 1-2 days prior to arrival, and while at high altitude. If you have a health condition that limits your fluid intake, consult your practitioner regarding your travel plans and need for fluid consumption.

Prevent further dehydration by avoiding or limiting your alcoholic beverages and caffeine intake. An increased carbohydrate diet and using Tylenol or Advil to treat minor headaches may be helpful.

If you feel your symptoms need are more serious than “mild” seek medical attention or be seen at MSMC! There are medications and treatments available to help you feel better while on vacation! More serious forms of altitude sickness include a headache that does not resolve with increased water intake and over-the-counter acetamenophen or ibuprofen; nausea with vomiting; inability to sleep (or waking up 'gasping' for breath, or sleeping 'all the time'); severe shortness of breath (walking approximately 10 feet and having to sit down because you are out of breath); confussion or changes in personality. 

Changes in level of consciousness or behavior, coughing up bloody or pink sputum, bluing of the mouth or fingernails, or chest pain should immediately seek emergency medical treatment by dialing 9-1-1!

Red River, NM DOES have an ambulance service and they are equipt with the best trained staff I have ever had the privilege to work with! You will be in excellent hands should you need them!

Altitude sickness, High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), and High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) are serious, sometimes life threatening conditions! 

If you are seen by a cardiologist and / or pulmonologist speak with your specialist BEFORE traveling to high altitude. If you do not feel you have received clear information about the risks of traveling to high altitude in light of your current healthcare conditions, please feel free to contact our office by phone, or preferably email, as often times, the best advise can come from those who are experianced at treating conditions at altitude.