Please follow these instructions before coming to the clinic for the examination of your colon. If stool remains in the colon, we will be unable to complete the test. Thus, it is very important that you follow the steps below to remove all stool prior to the exam. This allows the doctor to clearly see the inside of the colon. You will need 2 regular Fleet Enemas (about $2.50 each), available at your pharmacy or drug store.
DO NOT use oil enemas!
DO NOT take laxatives!
1. Take clear liquids only (tea, jello, clear broth) on the day before the test. Do not eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight.
2. Cleanse your colon on the morning of the exam:
A. Administer one enema rectally about two hours before your appointment. Follow the directions on the back of the carton. Retain the enema for as long as possible; the urge to move the bowels will become very strong 2-5 minutes after instilling the enema.
B. Remove the screw cap from the container, and fill with WARM (not hot) tap water. Replace the screw cap, and repeat the enema using this water until evacuating the bowels returns only clear liquid. You may repeat this stage 3-4 times as necessary, and if you have time.
C. Administer the second enema about ½ hour after the first enema. Repeat steps A and B, above.
3. Please take all non-diabetic prescribed medications on the day of the test. If you have diabetes and are on oral medications or insulin, check with your doctor whether to take these medications
4. Check in to the clinic at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes.