About Our Office

Ohio Pain Centers offer superior clinical care, up to date techniques, and the most current technology.

How does Pain affect us?
Pain affects all of us at one time or another and in different ways during the course of our lives. The effect and experience of pain on our lives can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually challenging. Pain can have devastating effects on our lives and be far-reaching, affecting family members, friends, co-workers, and business associates.

When does pain become Chronic Pain?
When pain becomes a frequent occurrence and continues to affect us for 3 months or longer, that pain becomes what we call “Chronic Pain”. Chronic Pain is more than just an unpleasant experience. It becomes a frustrating, overwhelming beast of burden for most of us, and all we care about are ways to get some kind of relief from it. If we could only find some kind of way to control it, rather than to have “It” control us, we could have a better quality of life.

What kinds of Chronic Pain affect us?

There are many different types of Chronic Pain, such as Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain, Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Leg Pain, Knee Pain, Ankle Pain, and Foot Pain. Many of us are seeking Headache Relief, or Neck Pain Relief, while others are dealing with Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Thoracic Back Pain, and Osteoarthritis. Muscle Pain, also known as Myofascial Pain, is a common form of Chronic Pain, while many of us are unaware, that our chronic pain is coming from a Facet Joint in our spine that is misaligned.

  What is the goal of Chronic Pain Management?

Aside from some kind of “Miracle Pain Relief Cure”, most of us would be happy to find some kind of way to “Manage” our pain. So what exactly does that mean? For some people that means “taking the edge off of it”, but for most of us, it means a reduction in pain down to a level we can tolerate, so that we can function at a somewhat normal level.