What is Asthma?
Asthma is a lung disease in which normal airflow into and out of lungs is impaired. Smoke, exercise, cold air, infection, mold, dust, and mites, for example, make lung airway cells produce more mucus. The mucus becomes thicker and more sticky, and breathing tubes (airways) clog up and become very small. This causes wheezing and shortness of breath.
Early-onset asthma (extrinisic or allergic, asthma) has both genetic and enviromental causes. Late-onset asthma (intrinsic asthma), in adults older tahn 35, can be triggered by infections and exercise.
DOs and DON'Ts in Managing Asthma:
The DOs
716 Maiden Choice Lane Suite 204 Catonsville, MD 21228-5956 Phone: (410) 744-1101 Fax: (410) 744-1186